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网址:www.guandao.aou1.cn  2023-08-15  作者:admin    阅读:

How to install ventilation ducts, ducts, and supports and hangers.
1. Air duct
(1) The installation of the bronchus must be carried out after the construction of the engineering building enclosure, and the address has already been cleared.
(2) Before setting the pipeline, it is necessary to scientifically study the position, altitude, orientation, etc. of the pipeline. In order to achieve the design scheme requirements, it is necessary to ensure that the position of the holes is appropriate, and the size of the holes must be around 100mm outside the pipeline.
(3) When solving bronchi, it is necessary to avoid hitting or falling to prevent damage to the bronchi. Dust and dirt should be removed before installation. If there is a suspension during the entire installation process, the air duct opening should be closed to prevent dust and dirt from entering the air duct.
(4) Bronchial tubes should not be installed on walls or wooden floors, nor should throats, wires, and cables be installed.
(5) If it is necessary to use grounding devices to safely protect gases with temperatures exceeding 80 ℃ when transporting combustible gases in the gas pipeline or in such natural environments, please use safety protection measures.
(6) It is essential to carry out sealing solutions to prevent seamless bottom of the pipeline.
(7) When pipelines pass through wooden floors and walls, buried pipes and safety protection waterproof sleeves should be used, and the middle should be sealed with flexible raw materials.
(8) When the air duct is connected to the machine equipment, a flexible short pipe must be installed at its wiring point, with a length of 150-300mm or the required length.
(9) The position of the hole for measuring the cold rolled welding air valve must be selected in an area without generating eddy currents, and it must be convenient for measurement and observation.
2. Supports and hangers
(1) The use of materials for all accessories of supports and hangers should meet the design requirements and parameter requirements.
(2) The allowable installation spacing of pipelines and the specifications and models of hangers should comply with regulations.
(3) The installation of embedded parts for supports and hangers is appropriate and reliable. The embedded parts should be cleaned, and the exposed part should be corrosion-resistant.
(4)切勿将支撑点支架设定在机器设备的实际操作部。 固定不动支撑点支架时,应用胀形钢筋锚固地脚螺栓开展固定不动,应用胀形钢筋锚固地脚螺栓务纤维 驱鸟设备 保定通风管道 塑料土工格栅 检查井模具 流水槽模具 锻造厂家 华尔街铜牛必符合要求的规定。
(4) Do not set the support point bracket on the actual operating part of the machine equipment. When fixing the fixed support point bracket, the expansion steel bars should be used to anchor the anchor bolts for fixation. The expansion steel bars should be used to anchor the anchor bolts, which must comply with the required regulations.

