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网址:www.guandao.aou1.cn  2023-07-03  作者:admin    阅读:

通风管道是工业与民用建筑的通风与空调工程用金属或非金属管道,是为了使空气流通,降低有害气体浓度的一种市政基础设施。   风管制作与安装所用板材、型材以及其他主要成品材料,应符合设计及相关产品国家现行标准的规定,并应用出厂检验合格证明,材料进场时应按国家现行有关标准进行验收。
Ventilation pipe is a kind of metal or non-metallic pipe used in ventilation and air-conditioning engineering of industrial and civil buildings. It is a municipal infrastructure to make the air circulate and reduce the concentration of harmful gases. The plates, profiles and other main finished materials used for the fabrication and installation of air ducts shall comply with the provisions of the current national standards for design and related products, and the factory inspection certificate shall be applied. The materials shall be accepted according to the current national standards when entering the site.
通风管道一般分为三种材质:白铁(镀锌)型槽模具 一次性止血带 保定水处理设备 一次性止血带 保定空压机 北京真空泵通风管道,玻璃钢通风管道,复合材料通风管道;
Ventilation duct is generally divided into three materials: white iron (Galvanized) ventilation pipe, glass fiber reinforced plastic ventilation pipe, composite material ventilation pipe;
Ventilation ducts are widely used in construction engineering, such as: hotels, hotels, hospitals, factories, shopping malls, office buildings, et

